• Waldorf is located in Forest City, 爱荷华州, in the north central part of the United States, known as the upper Midwest. 这个地区以特别友好、安静、宽敞和安全而闻名. The crime rate in 爱荷华州 is among the lowest in the United States, 中西部地区的生活成本低于大城市和沿海地区.

    爱荷华州以其高教育水平、小城镇家庭价值观和农业而闻名. 森林城市的周边地区主要是农田,每隔20公里就有一些小城镇点缀其间. There are four distinct seasons in 爱荷华州. Summer is warm and quite humid; winter has temperatures frequently below freezing and snow; spring and fall are very pleasant and mild.

  • Forest City has a population of approximately 4,500 people. The city is the headquarters of Winnebago Industries, a major manufacturer of recreational vehicles that employs nearly 3,000人. The city is located midway between Minneapolis-St. 保罗,明尼苏达州. (人口300万)和爱荷华州首府得梅因(人口40万).

  • 华尔道夫有大约625名住宿本科生,几乎代表了美国的每个州.S. and more than two dozen countries.

  • 澳门网上博彩官方网站 offers many residential programs for students. 对赴美留学感兴趣的学生请注意,他们只能在校园内攻读学位.

  • 当学习完成后,校园里有很多机会让学生参与进来. Numerous campus groups host events and activities, and we're always bringing in musicians, 喜剧演员, hypnotists and other exciting entertainers. In addition to on campus fun, we make frequent trips to Minneapolis and Des Moines for shopping, professional sporting events, zoo trips and much more!

    甚至还有一个国际学生与国内学生聚会的俱乐部,分享他们的文化. 请查看 World Student Association Instagram page to look at past events!

  • 视图澳门网上博彩官方网站 residential tuition rates.

  • 华德福的每个国际学生都能获得某种形式的经济援助. 这种经济援助以奖学金的形式(不需要偿还给大学的资金),通常基于学术成绩和经济需求. Talent-based scholarships are determined by the coach or director. 请与招生顾问联系了解更多奖学金信息.

    To apply for financial aid, students must 申请华德福 and be accepted for enrollment.

  • 是的, 华德福得到高等教育委员会和中北部学校和学院协会高等教育机构委员会的全面认可.

  • 华德福要求所有国际学生参加标准化考试. Qualifying tests include: ACT, SAT, TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo or PTE. 如果学生的成绩单显示高中和/或大学的主要教学语言是英语,则可以免除测试要求.

  • 华德福接受世界上大多数其他认可的学院和大学的学分转换. 华德福接受的转学分由我们的注册主任决定. To transfer credits from U.S. ,请向大学注册处提交正式成绩单.  澳门网上博彩官方网站不为个人进行国际成绩单的内部翻译/评估. 所有学生都需要提交国际学术成绩单到 InCRED Transcript Evaluation Services 进行评估. 学生有责任通过inredd安排和支付评估费用,并将正式评估直接发送到澳门网上博彩官方网站. 华德福需要正式的国际成绩单和正式的评估副本.

  • 你必须向美国学生/交流访问者信息系统(SEVIS)支付350美元.S. 至少在签证面试前三个工作日通知国土安全部. There are currently three options available to make the payment:

    • Credit or Debit Card (Online)
    • Check or Money Order (Mail)
    • Western Union Quick Pay

    请参阅 SEVIS网站 欲知详情.

  • 支付你的 SEVIS fee at least three days prior to attending a visa interview. 如果你的付款没有通过,你很可能会被拒绝面试. You may schedule your interview online through the U.S. 大使馆.

    • Select your country of residence
    • Select ‘Visa Information’
    • Select ‘Non-Immigrant Visas’
    • Select ‘Schedule Visa Interview’

    For further information on applying for a visa visit the 旅行.状态.政府 website on student visas.

  • 您应该安排飞往梅森市市政机场的航班。. 澳门网上博彩官方网站在选定的日子和时间提供往返机场的班车. 请确保您的旅行安排与班车服务的日期一致. To arrange to take the shuttle please submit a 骑请求 with Waldorf Transportation.

  • 是的, you may enter the U.S. up to 30 days prior to the report date on your I-20.

  • You are expected to arrive no later than the report date on your I-20. Exceptions may only be made in extenuating circumstances. 在规定的入住日期之后,您必须在预订旅行之前获得华尔道夫的批准.

  • 你需要带上你最近的I-20和最近的旅行签名, 有效护照, and valid visa (a visa is not required for Canadian students). It is also advisable that you carry your SEVIS fee receipt, 你最近三个月内的财务证明文件, 入学证明(如录取通知书或非正式成绩单).

  • 回顾校园 住房选择 before making your selection. Once you've decided on your preferences, you'll need to fill out the on-campus housing form (PDF). This form is completed with your tuition and housing deposit form.

  • Housing assignment letters are sent to students before arrival. 这些分配信为学生提供了他们的住房分配和室友的联系信息.

  • Campus housing is available for all full-time students. 直接从海外来的学生第一学期必须住校. 学生 who have been in the U.S. 一个学期或更长时间必须住在大学宿舍,并有董事会计划,除非他们符合以下例外情况中的至少一个.

                  • Student will be at least 21 years old by Sept. 1 for the fall semester and Jan. 15 for the spring semester.
                  • 学生已婚.
                  • Student has children living with him/her.
                  • Student has lived on campus for at least six semesters.
                  • 学生已在学期开始前转入至少60个学分.
                  • 学生与父母住在一起,从父母的常住地址往返于距离大学35英里的地方.


  • 根据要求, 华尔道夫会借给你一套床上用品供你在森林城市的头几晚使用. 梅森市的购物之旅一直是国际学生入学的议程之一,在那里你将有机会购买自己的床上用品.

    请浏览 居住生活 section of our website for further information about housing topics.

  • 所有新到华德福的国际学生都需要参加国际学生迎新活动.

  • Health insurance is required of all students. It is only possible to waive Waldorf's health insurance plan, if you can provide proof of other medical insurance. 请浏览 student insurance page 有关学校保险计划及要求的进一步资料.

  • 一旦你被录取,注册主任将与你的学术顾问一起制定你第一学期的课程表. This schedule will be emailed to you for review. You can respond to the email to set up a time to discuss any changes.

  • 视图澳门网上博彩官方网站 tuition and payment information.